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What Kind of Gear to Use for Trout in a Pond UPDATED

What Kind of Gear to Use for Trout in a Pond

You know the phrase "shooting fish in a butt?" Well, it'southward not that piece of cake to catch rainbow trout in a stocked pond, but it's not too far abroad, either. Information technology's also a groovy fashion to learn the basics of trout line-fishing, basics that will help you take hold of trout everywhere.

Rainbow trout are the most popular trout to stock around the globe, and chances are that they're stocked in a pond almost you. They can be heady to take hold of, and pretty tasty, too! So, whether you're in information technology for a rainbow trout dinner or just a few hours of fun, read on for how to catch one in a stocked swimming.

Where and When to Fish

Where to Fish

Some people might see it as cheating, only the best place to fish is usually right near wherever the stocking truck parked. If the atmospheric condition are right, the trout won't stray too far from where they were put into the h2o. Look for boat ramps or other spots that provide easy access to the h2o for a large truck.

In one case they've had some time to settle in, trout will tend towards certain places in the pond:

Weir trout fishing
Trout are oft found in the well-oxygenated water below a weir or dam.
  • Deeper parts provide the cool water rainbow trout adopt.
  • Overhanging trees provide shelter from the sun and predators, besides as the possibility of a repast from falling worms and insects.
  • Fallen copse, docks, and other underwater structures also offer protection and a keen place to find smaller fish to eat.
  • The mouths of streams provide highly oxygenated, cooler h2o and the possibility for floating morsels.
  • Dams, weirs, and fountains also bring highly oxygenated h2o into the pond.

Get In that location Early, Role ane

In one case you know that the swimming has been stocked with rainbow trout, your best chance to take hold of one is sooner rather than afterwards. Part of the reason for this is other anglers. There's nothing that gets people running to a pond quite like the stocking truck, and one-half the fish in the pond might be gone later a few days. Meliorate to go there earlier to give yourself the best chance.

It also takes the trout a while to go adapted to their new surroundings, which gives you an advantage. In the hatchery, trout are used to being in shut quarters with each other. Later stocking, they'll stick together for anywhere from a few days to a week before slowly spreading out effectually the pond. If you become there early enough, one time yous've seen i trout rise, yous're probably looking at a lot more than in that spot.

Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery stocked rainbow trout feed
Newly stocked rainbow trout however run into this as nutrient

Newly stocked trout also take a while to larn to swallow wild food in their swimming. When they're at the hatchery, they're fed pellets on a schedule. They may never have eaten a worm or fly. That doesn't mean that they'll decline those things; they've got instincts that tell them what's food. Only it does hateful that a newly stocked rainbow trout will be cruising the pond for something that looks and smells awfully similar the PowerBait you'll use to catch them.

Get There Early, Part 2

The hours around dawn are the best time to catch trout
The hours around dawn are the best time to catch trout

Equally far as fourth dimension of day, before is besides better. Trout are most actively feeding in the hours surrounding dawn. Trout don't like the bright sun, and the h2o is cooler in the morn. Getting there within a couple hours of dawn is your all-time bet. Later that, the line-fishing will probably get slower towards the center of the solar day. A cloudy day volition assistance a flake, as the trout don't have to fence with the heat and light of the sun. As the 24-hour interval winds down and it starts to cool off again, trout will starting time feeding, so the evenings can be productive likewise.

What You'll Need

  • A calorie-free or ultralight spinning rod/reel philharmonic: If you're only starting out, Ugly Stik is one of the best brands for good combos on a budget. Their GX2 and Elite lines both offering great quality and value. While you lot tin can find cheaper combos out there, it pays to get something decent to start out with. You don't want to exist struggling with bad gear all day!
  • Bait: While worms and other live baits work, PowerBait is the near constructive bait for stocked rainbow trout. Which type and colors you become is upward to you, but get a few different kinds. Chartreuse, pink, and rainbow are popular colour choices. Power Eggs are corking to start out with since they're less messy than the dough and volition stay on the hook longer.
  • Line: Trout have great eyesight, so become lighter line. 4 lb test is usually strong enough for stocked trout.
  • Treble hooks (size 12-16)
  • Butt swivels (size 12 or 14)
  • Egg sinkers (1/4oz.)
  • Brightly-colored bobbers
  • Rod holder

Additionally, yous might want to bring a few lures with yous. Many states allow you to have two or more than lines in the water at once. Putting bait on one and trying out a lure on the other is a cracking way to hedge your bets and catch more trout. Check your local regulations for specifics. Spoons and spinners are the most pop types to use in a swimming. Nosotros'll discuss the all-time trout lures for stocked ponds later on down.

A Unproblematic PowerBait Rig

If it's your first fourth dimension trying to catch rainbow trout in a stocked pond, utilize this rig. It is dead simple and has defenseless thousands, possibly millions, of trout for many anglers. The key is in floating the PowerBait at just the right depth for trout to see and smell it. Once they do, yous've got them. Hither's how to exercise it:

Sttocked rainbow trout caught powerbait rig
A rainbow trout caught using this simple rig
  1. Cut a length of line about 24″ long.
  2. Tie on a treble hook to 1 end with a Palomar knot.
  3. Tie a barrel swivel onto the other stop, once more with a Palomar knot.
  4. Thread a sinker onto your main line (the one already on your rod).
  5. Necktie the other end of the barrel hinge to your principal line with (you guessed it!) a Palomar knot.
  6. Put the Powerbait on the hook. Use enough to cover the hook completely, merely don't brand besides big a clump. If you're using eggs, merely put one on each claw.
  7. Cast it out towards the middle of the pond. If you're seeing trout rises, brand sure to aim squarely at them.
  8. Await well-nigh 10 seconds, then slowly take in some of the slack from the line.
  9. Set your rod in the rod holder, preferably equally horizontal as you tin get it.
  10. Hook a bobber onto the line on your rod between two of the guides. Make certain it hangs about a foot or then below the rod, and take in slack if it touches the ground.

The bobber makes it easy to run into when a trout bites your bait. When you encounter it moving wildly upwards or downward, yous've got something. Grab the rod and give information technology a quick jerk to help set the claw. Don't jerk information technology too hard or you take a chance ripping the bait out of the trout's mouth. Start reeling in, and y'all should experience something moving on the end of your line. Congratulations, you've got dinner!

Speaking of which, this rig is more suitable for keeping your trout than catch and release. Trout are much more likely to eat the claw, which raises the mortality rate of released fish significantly. The good news is that stocked trout are there to be taken. This is especially true in ponds, which oftentimes go besides warm for trout to survive through the summer. So don't feel bad virtually taking yours home!

Using Lures

PowerBait is a tried-and-truthful method for catching stocked trout, but information technology'south ever good to have some back-ups. If the trout aren't biting, or you want to attempt something different, tying on a lure is a keen choice. Since the trout in a stocked swimming haven't gotten used to natural food yet, lures designed to look like specific food animals may not work as well. Just spoons and spinners, which rely on more instinctual reactions from trout, work great. Get something in the 1/12-1/4 oz. range to grab stocked rainbow trout in a pond.


Spoons work by mimicking the motility of a wounded fish in the water, an easy meal for a trout. Even though stocked trout won't necessarily know what a wounded fish looks similar, their instincts volition tell them to strike. When you cast your spoon out, let it sink for a couple seconds before retrieving it. Endeavor varying your retrieval speed and add in some pauses, jerks, and other irregularities. This will actually get their attention!

The Meridian Kastmaster is one of the near popular trout lures, and for expert reason. It has a motion and flash that immediately grabs trout's attention. Plus, it'll get you lot some overnice casting distance, even in the wind. The just upshot is that it's almost as much a weed magnet as a trout magnet.

Since trout ponds tend to exist weedy, a weedless spoon like the Johnson Silvery Minnow is a great lure to accept. It's got great motion in the h2o, and won't irksome you down by snagging every time you cast.


Spinners have a spinning blade that flashes and sends vibrations through the water. Again, this hits even stocked trout on an instinctual level.

The Mepps Aglia is a classic spinner that will cast well and run deep. This is key, because in one case the water starts warming upward in the swimming, the trout will get-go dropping down deeper. Smaller sizes will still take hold of some fairly big trout, and are perfect for the usual 10-14″ rainbow you lot'll find in a stocked pond.

TheJoe's Flies Short Striker is a wing and spinner in one. It also stays dainty and deep when you lot're retrieving it, dandy for getting downward to where trout are hiding. Yous can vary the speed of your retrieval a lot with these and even so get good motility on the spinning bract. Choice up a pack and try out a bunch of different colors to see what works best.


Trying to catch a rainbow trout in a stocked swimming is one of the nigh fun ways to get started fishing. It's also a neat style to spend an afternoon for any angler of any level. Merely don't take my word for it. Now that you're done reading most it, get do it!


What Kind of Gear to Use for Trout in a Pond UPDATED

Posted by: alanspedity36.blogspot.com

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